Project Config Format


builder: cmake
- fetch: git submodule update --init
- libpoppler-qt5-dev

Placeholders & Environment Variables

Placeholders are values provided by Clickable that can be used in some configuration fields as ${PLACEHOLDER}. All placeholders are provided as environment variables during build, additionally. For custom environment variables see env_vars.

The following table lists all available placeholders.




Target framework (ubuntu-sdk-20.04 by default)


Qt version within target framework (5.12 by default)


Target architecture (armhf, arm64, amd64 or all)


Target architecture triplet (arm-linux-gnueabihf, aarch64-linux-gnu, x86_64-linux-gnu or all)


Rust target (armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu or x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)


Number of build jobs recommended (make_jobs) and used by the CMake and QMake builders


Value of root_dir


Value of build_dir


Value of src_dir


Value of install_dir


${INSTALL_DIR}/lib/${ARCH_TRIPLET} (will be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime) or ${INSTALL_DIR}/lib for architecture independent apps


${INSTALL_DIR}/lib/${ARCH_TRIPLET} (will be in QML2_IMPORT_PATH at runtime) or ${INSTALL_DIR}/qml for architecture independent apps


${INSTALL_DIR}/lib/${ARCH_TRIPLET}/bin or ${INSTALL_DIR} for architecture independent apps (will be in PATH at runtime)


Value of build_dir from library with name <lib> (see libraries), where the library name consists solely of capital letters (e.g. from lib name my-libC++ this env var would be MY_LIBC___LIB_BUILD_DIR)


Value of install_dir from library with name <lib> (e.g. OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_DIR)


Value of src_dir from library with name <lib> (e.g. OPENCV_LIB_SRC_DIR)

Parameters accepting placeholders: root_dir, build_dir, src_dir, install_dir, app_lib_dir, app_bin_dir, app_qml_dir, gopath, cargo_home, scripts, build, build_args, make_args, postmake, postbuild, prebuild, install_lib, install_qml, install_bin, install_root_data, install_data and env_vars.

This is an ordered list. Parameters that are used as placeholders themselves accept only predecessors. Ex: ${ROOT} can be used in src_dir, but not vice-versa.

Library placeholders can be used by subsequent libraries, but not predecessors.


build_dir: ${ROOT}/build/${ARCH_TRIPLET}/myApp


Optional, a minimum Clickable version number required to build the project. Ex: "6" or "5.4.0"


Qt version consisting of major and minor version. This value is used to determine the framework automatically. Defaults to 5.12. Currently, no other version is supported.


The SDK framework which the app should be built for. This allows Clickable to choose the correct docker image and set the framework field in the manifest accordingly, if desired. Ex: ubuntu-sdk-16.04.5 or ubuntu-sdk-20.04


Optional, specifies an exclusive architecture that this configuration is compatible with. This prevents the app from being build for other architectures and may also prevent the desktop mode.

To specify the architecture for building use the cli argument instead (ex: --arch arm64).


Optional, see builders for the full list of options.


Optional, a custom command to run from the root dir, before a build.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


A custom command to run from the build dir. Required if using the custom builder, ignored otherwise.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, a custom command to execute from the build directory, after make (during build). Only used for Make-based builders.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, a custom command to execute from the root dir, after build, but before click packaging.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, environment variables to be set in the build container. Ex:

  TARGET_SYSTEM: UbuntuTouch

When passing --debug to Clickable, DEBUG_BUILD=1 is set as an environment variable, additionally.


Optional, arguments to pass to qmake, cargo or cmake.

When using --debug, CONFIG+=debug is additionally appended for qmake and -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug for cmake and cordova builds. For cargo calls --release is added if not running Clickable with --debug.

Ex: CONFIG+=ubuntu

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, arguments to pass to make, e.g. a target name. To avoid configuration conflicts, the number of make jobs should not be specified here, but using make_jobs instead, so it can be overriden by the according environment variable.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, the number of jobs to use when running make, equivalent to make’s -j option. If left blank this defaults to the number of CPU cores.


Optional, a custom command to launch the app, used by clickable launch.


Optional, a custom build directory. Defaults to ${ROOT}/build/${ARCH_TRIPLET}/app. Thanks to the architecture triplet, builds for different architectures can exist in parallel.


Optional, a custom source directory. Defaults to ${ROOT}


Optional, a custom install directory (used to gather data that goes into the click package). Defaults to ${BUILD_DIR}/install


Optional, additional libraries that should be installed with the app and be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime. If an entry is just a file name, then Clickable looks for it in common library locations (as listed in /etc/*.conf) as well as the install dirs of libraries defined in the libraries section. The destination directory is ${CLICK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}. Ex:

- /usr/lib/${ARCH_TRIPLET}/*

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings. Supports wildcards.


Optional, additional QML files or directories that should be installed with the app and be in QML2_IMPORT_PATH at runtime. The destination directory is ${CLICK_QML2_IMPORT_PATH}. Ex:

- /usr/lib/${ARCH_TRIPLET}/qt5/qml/Qt/labs/calendar

Relative paths are prepended with the project root dir.

QML modules will be installed to the correct directory based on the name of the module. In the above example it will be installed to lib/${ARCH_TRIPLET}/Qt/labs/calendar because the module specified in the qmldir file is Qt.labs.calendar. Can be specified as a string or a list of strings. Supports wildcards.


Optional, additional executables that should be installed with the app and be in PATH at runtime. If an entry is just a file name, then Clickable looks for it in PATH as well as the install dirs of libraries defined in the libraries section. The destination directory is ${CLICK_PATH}. Ex:

- htop
- /usr/bin/htop

Relative paths are prepended with the project root dir.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings. Supports wildcards.


Optional, additional files or directories that should be installed with the app and be in the app root dir. Ex:

- packaging/manifest.json
- packaging/myapp.desktop

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings. Supports wildcards.


Optional, additional files or directories that should be installed with the app. Needs to be specified as a dictionary with absolute source paths as keys and destinations as value. Ex:

  icons/logo.svg: assets

Relative source paths are prepended with the project root dir and destination paths with the install dir.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings. Supports wildcards. ${INSTALL_DIR} is added as prefix if path is not relative to the install dir.


Optional, a custom process name to kill (used by clickable launch to kill the app before relaunching it). If left blank the process name will be assumed.


Optional, an object detailing custom commands to run. For example:

  fetch: git submodule update --init
  echo-target: echo ${ARCH_TRIPLET}

That enables the use of clickable script fetch and clickable script echo-target.


Optional, sub-commands to run when with the chain command when no sub-commands are specified. Defaults to build install launch. The --clean cli argument prepends clean to that list.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, whether or not to always clean app build directory before building, disabling the build cache. Affects the chain, build and desktop command. Does not affect libraries. The default is false.


Optional, whether or not to let the build command fail if there are review errors. The default is false.


Optional, whether or not to let the build command fail if there are review warnings. The default is false.


Optional, whether or not to skip review on click builds at all. Usually ignore_review_warnings or ignore_review_errors should be preferred. The default is false.


Optional, a list of dependencies that will be installed in the build container.

Add tools here that are part of your build tool chain.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, a list of dependencies that will be installed in the build container. These will be assumed to be dependency:arch (where arch is the target architecture), unless an architecture specifier is already appended.

Add dependencies here that your app depends on.

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, a list of PPAs, that will be enabled in the build container. Ex:

- ppa:bhdouglass/clickable

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, rust channel that should installed in the image and used by the rust builder. Ex: nightly or 1.56.0


Optional, dictionary containing setup configuration for the docker image used. The image is based on the default image provided by Clickable. Example:

    PATH: /opt/someprogram/bin:$PATH
  - curl -fsSL | bash -
  - apt-get install -y nodejs


Optional, a list of commands to run on image setup (each added as RUN <cmd> to the corresponding Dockerfile).

These commands also run in container mode (CI).


Optional, a dictionary of env vars to add during image setup (each added as ENV <key>=”<val>” to the corresponding Dockerfile).

These are ignored in container mode (use env_vars instead).


Optional, the name of a docker image to use. When building a custom docker image it’s recommended to use one of the Clickable images as a base. You can find them on Docker Hub.


Optional, a list of files to ignore when building with pure builder Example:

- .clickable
- .git
- .gitignore
- .gitmodules

Can be specified as a string or a list of strings.


Optional, the gopath on the host machine. If left blank, the GOPATH env var will be used.


Optional, the Cargo home path on the host machine that is used for caching (namely its subdirs registry, git and .package-cache). Defaults to ~/.clickable/cargo.


Optional, specify a different root directory for the project. For example, if you project config file is in platforms/ubuntu_touch and you want to include code from root of your project you can set root_dir: "../..". Alternatively you can run clickable from the project root in that case via clickable -c platforms/ubuntu_touch/clickable.yaml.


Optional, specify a test command to be executed when running clickable test. The default is qmltestrunner.


Optional, dependencies to be build by running clickable build --libs. It’s a dictionary of dictionaries similar to the project config itself. Example:

    builder: cmake
    make_jobs: 2
    build_args: [
    prebuild: git submodule update --init --recursive

The keywords test, install_dir, prebuild, build, postbuild, postmake, make_jobs, make_args, env_vars, build_args, docker_image, dependencies_host, dependencies_target, dependencies_ppa, test, restrict_arch` and image_setup.

can be used for a library the same way as described above for the app.

In addition to the placeholders described above, the following placeholders are available:




The library name (key name in the libraries dictionary)

A single library can be build by specifying its name as clickable build --libs lib1 --arch arm64 to build the library with name lib1 for the architecture arm64. clickable clean --libs lib1 --arch arm64 cleans the libraries build dir. clickable test --libs lib1 tests the library.


Required, but only cmake, qmake, rust and custom are allowed.


Optional, library source directory. Must be relative to the project root. Defaults to ${ROOT}/libs/${NAME}


Optional, library build directory. Must be relative to the project root. Defaults to ${ROOT}/build/${ARCH_TRIPLET}/${NAME}. Thanks to the architecture triplet, builds for different architectures can exist in parallel.

Removed keywords

The following keywords are no longer supported:

  • dependencies (use dependencies_target and dependencies_host instead)

  • specificDependencies

  • dir (use build_dir instead)

  • lxd

  • premake (use prebuild, postmake or postbuild instead)

  • ssh (use program option --ssh or environment variable CLICKABLE_SSH instead)

  • chroot

  • sdk

  • package

  • app

  • dirty (use always_clean for the opposite case instead)

  • arch (use program option --arch instead)

  • template (use builder instead)

  • dependencies_build (use dependencies_host instead)